Meet Dr. Nadia Musavvir

Meet Dr. Nadia Musavvir

This Miami-based holistic doctor’s own struggles with hair loss helped her create a product to help everyone grow stronger, healthier hair. Through her own practice, Dr. Nadia Musavvir, she is helping people feel comfortable in their own skin. This is her story.

Let's talk about your background. How did you go from makeup artist to kinesiology and nutrition? 

It was a long gap between the two and not necessarily linear, but basically I would notice differences in people’s skin quality despite being the same age. I had a huge interest in the body and noticed the way people ate seemed to play a role with how their skin was. When I eventually ended up in naturopathic medicine, that interest fueled the way I practice. 

Why was holistic more your speed than Western medicine?

My own health concerns were not addressed by Western medicine. There was no solution because technically there was nothing “wrong,” but I didn’t feel right. Home remedies were often used in my family and those felt more aligned than prescription medications that were being suggested to see if maybe they would help because they didn’t know what would. When I learned of naturopathic medicine, it made more sense to me and was more aligned based on the things that were often given to me at home.

You work with skin, but how did you get into working with hair loss?

I was consulting for a hair loss supplement company. I had an understanding of how the internal impacts the external. I dove into learning about hair specifically for my work with them but more so when I started to experience hair loss, which ironically happened during my time with that company. I was talking to people day in and day out about their hair, yet struggling myself. And it was more frustrating because their product and solutions were not working for me. 

How did you get to the root of your own hair loss?

I completed comprehensive blood testing on myself, factored in my unique contributing factors that are often overlooked and then addressed those specific factors. 

And what about your own hair loss prompted you to create a supplement?

I would say the journey—not just my hair loss, but everything I learned about hair health in general along with my experience. I realized a lot of hair supplements on the market were mainly “one size fits all” hair multivitamins. Some people may respond, but if there’s something deeper going on then they were wasting their money. I wanted to provide something that was a little bit more complete in the sense of addressing specific nutrients or factors that impact the hair growth cycle.  

What ingredients did you go with and why?

I made sure it had copper, not just zinc. Too much of one will deplete the other and most only have zinc. They need to be taken in a proper ratio. Copper is also helpful against graying. I didn’t want excessively high levels of biotin (600 mcg as opposed to most formulas which have 3000 mcg and higher). I wanted to be sure the impact of other hormones (ie estrogen dominance) were being addressed and not just androgen excess (DIM, green tea extract). It also has horsetail extract, which is rich in mineral content, like silica, and supports hair strength and growth. 

What's the connection between thyroid conditions and hair loss?

This is a whole topic on its own. Basically, having too much or too little thyroid hormone will impact hair growth, hair quality and texture  and contribute to hair loss. This is why it’s important to take an individualized, comprehensive approach to hair loss.

What kind of results have you seen with your Healthy Hair supplement?

Results vary, but I have seen people who have been stuck and not seeing any growth or experiencing a lot of shedding/loss start to see growth and slow down in loss.

When can people expect to see those results?

You can expect results in at least three months.

How can your Healthy Hair supplement be used alongside KYIR?

My supplements have ingredients that will help stimulate the hair follicle, making it a great complement to the internal work that influences overall follicle health.

Shop the collaboration KYIR x Dr. Nadia Healthy Hair supplement here

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